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Time Management for Dancers

If time management seems like a daily challenge, you are not alone! Especially during this time of quarantine for COVID-19, it can seem like you are either so busy that you lose track of time, or that you’re so bored you don’t know what to do with yourself.

Taking the Lead on Positive Social Change 

As part of Generation Z, you are probably the kind of person who wants to live a life of purpose. If so read on.

Here is how to love yourself as a dancer!

Love Yourself! Live a Life of Less Stress! There are certain qualities that everyone desires in themselves, whether they realize it or not: They want to be c...

It’s Healthy, Easy, and Totally Free to Give

Gratitude is a character quality that you build over time; it’s something you develop through daily, weekly, or monthly practice, just like other skills. It is the act of showing thanks, demonstrating that you recognize the significance of someone or something in your life. Gratitude goes hand-in-hand with acts of kindness and giving back to others, whether they are people you know or strangers.

Are You a Trusted Leader?

As a dancer and performer, you find yourself frequently in leadership roles. Whether it be at your studio, school, or community, there are many skills as dan...

Have the Standard Rules of Dance Classroom Etiquette Changed

Etiquette inside and outside of the classroom in 2019 is so much more than what it once was. With the introduction of all kinds of technology, we have to be ...

Steps to Take if you are Being Bullied

Whether over social media or in person, bullying is never okay. Unfortunately, many individuals find themselves victims of bullying. The most important thing to know as a victim of bullying is that it is not your fault and you are not alone. Here at MTD we gathered some tips on dealing with bullying.

Stay On Pointe with a Busy Schedule

As a new season of dance, school, and extracurriculars is upon us, it is important to be able to find balance and inner peace amidst a busy schedule. We gathered some of our favorite tips to staying balanced while managing a busy schedule.

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