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Dance after high school


What Are The 5 Things Dance Really Teaches Us & How Do We Overcome It?

You love to dance, right? How amazing is it to get on stage and show a dance that you’ve been working on FOREVER to an appreciative audience? It doesn’t get better than that, for real. But, if we are being totally honest, if all we are doing is spending months and months on ONE dance, then we have totally missed the point of what dance is REALLY about. So let’s count it off…5 things dance really teaches us!

Is It Worth It to Become a Professional Dancer?

For many of us, dance has been a way of life for as long as we remember. We can’t imagine doing anything else except becoming a professional dancer.

Expanding Your Horizons

You are unsure what the future holds, but you know you want to be dancing because it is your passion. You also know that the dance world is highly competitive in terms of professional careers. However, you also know that there is a spot for everyone in the dance world. So, how do you expand your horizons and future in the dance world?

How to Dance Outside the Dance Studio

Dance is your passion, and you would love to dance all day long. But what do you do on those days the studio is closed or you don’t have class? How do you get your dancing fix for the day? Here are five ways to stay dancing outside the studio.

Steps in Applying for College

Are you a high school senior looking to apply for college? Applying for college is a complex process with a lot of moving parts. However, the process doesn't need to be confusing! Here are 10 steps you can take to better prepare for your early application deadline.

Creating your Online Resume | Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

Living in a technological age means that first impressions no longer take place in person, but online. Today, many schools and employers use social media to research applicants. To help you build your online resume, here at MTD we have gathered some of our favorite Do’s and Don’ts of social media:

Dance After High School

The end of high school is an exciting time! From graduation to dance recitals, it is not only a time to reflect on your accomplishments, but also it is time ...

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