


How Dance Leads to a Positive Mindset

Dance is an incredible form of exercise and a fun hobby, but it can also alter the way we think. Learn about how dance leads to a positive mindset.

Dancer Things: Part 5

Wow! There are just so many things only dancers will understand. From itchy costumes to feeling sore all the time, dancers are simply put, different from all other athletes. So here is Dancer Things: Part 5.

8 Motivational Quotes For The New Year

As we all welcome in 2023, we’re looking for new motivations, inspirations, and ideas. So today we bring you 8 motivational quotes for the new year.

6 New Years Eve/Day Traditions

Chances are, we’ve all counted down from 10 and watched the ball drop in New York. But what other traditions occur on New Years Eve/Day? Today, we’ve gathered some of the traditions for New Years Eve/Day from around the world. We hope you enjoy and learn something new!

The Best Parts Of Winter Break For Dancers

While dance season never really ends, that doesn’t mean dancers don’t get time off. Although, they should still be stretching over the break. But what do dancers enjoy most about winter break? Well, here at More Than Dancers, we’ve got the latest! Here are what dancers enjoy most about winter break.

What Makes The Nutcracker So Awesome?

For those who have yet to see The Nutcracker, you might find yourself asking “why does everyone see The Nutcracker? What makes it so special? Isn’t it just another ballet?” Well, we are here to answer those questions. In fact, we went straight to the source (our dance community) to find out what they like about The Nutcracker.

What You Can Do To Improve Your Dance Performance

If you’re creating a dance performance and want to improve the results, you should follow these methods to avoid some of the most common mistakes.

The 9 Best Holiday Presents For Dancers

It’s that time of year again where relatives travel from near and far to celebrate the holidays. And you know what that means…PRESENTS! Of course, whether you’re the parent of a dancer, a nondancer peer, or you’re a seasoned dancer, it can be hard to find dance related gifts for fellow dancer friends. How are you supposed to know what they already have? What do they not have? Should you just get them a gift card? Well don’t worry, we got you covered. Here are some of the best presents to give that dancer in your life (in no particular order).

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