Dancer Things: Part 8
Make sure to check out Dancer Things: Parts 1-7. Now, without further ado, here is part 8!
- You Know You’re A Dancer When…you feel better when you dance.

- Dance Problems: When you tap dance on the second floor of your house and it sounds like an earthquake downstairs.

- Thanks To Dance: The crazy looks you get when you go out to eat in stage makeup.

- You Know You’re A Dancer When…your knees and back crack, and you don’t notice but all your non-dancer friends are grossed out by it.

- Dance Problems: The heat of the stage lights.

- Thanks To Dance: I think water is the most delicious thing out there.

- You Know You’re A Dancer When…you naturally stand in ballet positions.

- Dance Problems: Being incredibly sore after hitting your ankle with your own taps.

- Thanks To Dance: I feel sorry for my hair.

- Dance Problems: When you have nowhere to practice because you’ll ruin the floors.

So, how many did you relate to? What other things can only dancers relate to? And make sure to follow our social media @more_than_dancers for more relatable dance content.
Sources used:
By: AJ (Intern)
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